How to delay ejaculation?

How to delay ejaculation?

For some men, the main purpose during intercourse is to last as long as possible to provide maximum pleasure. Yet you should know that about 30% of us suffer from premature ejaculation , according to a study conducted by Le Figaro.

Often a source of anxiety for an early ejaculator , this problem is the main erectile dysfunction in men. The requirement of the quality of sexual intercourse is such that this disorder can be a source of conflict within the couple or even be the cause of a break in self-confidence.

It must be known that ejaculation is not inevitable. To make sure you bring your partner to seventh heaven, we give you some tips to better understand this disorder and manage to delay ejaculation at best.

Premature ejaculation: what is it?

First of all, be aware that if you are not able to play overtime every time, you do not suffer from any illness or degeneration of the brain. 

The sexual relations of our ancestors were very fast, simply not to indulge in carnal pleasures too long in case a predator was running around in the area. 

Today, a person is described as a premature ejaculator when sexual intercourse lasts less than 3 minutes. In practice, it can even last a few seconds depending on the severity of the disorder. 

Note that there is no exact science as to the causes that can cause premature ejaculation. 

The origin of your anxieties can be quite genetic. The stress of your ancestors to be devoured by some predators has been transmitted from generation to generation until you reach. It can also simply come from a hyper sensitivity of the glans or reflex ejaculation. 

To explain simply, the pleasure you feel during a report results from a tension at the base of the penis, it is the emission phase. The sperm migrates from the testicles to the urethra. It is these waves of pleasure that occur each and every time. 

Then comes the expulsion of sperm via the ejaculatory reflex. In general, each phase can be mentally and physically controlled. Ejaculation occurs when there is confusion between the emission and expulsion phases. 

Anyway, you can test a treatment for premature ejaculation and we help you bring out your male instincts with a few useful objects and practices to keep control.

The self-extinguishing spray

The spray is an effective solution to delay ejaculation . Among the many ranges of products available, the stud 100 is a very effective spray that has proven its benefits according to many opinions.

The operation of the spray delaying ejaculation is essentially physical. It contains lidocaine, a very effective anesthetic that helps desensitize the glans to prolong the pleasure. To summarize, the glans is less stimulated for ejaculation but the sensations of the report remain the same.

These sprays have the advantage of being odorless and colorless. Although it can be used before oral sex, we do not recommend this practice because unless you have a dental appointment, your partner may not feel his jaw. 

The stud100 is a really effective product, do not hesitate to speak with your doctor.

The self-timer condom

To delay ejaculation , nothing like the good old condom. But not just any, there are different ranges of hoods that can make sex last.

A condom delaying ejaculation is coated from the inside with an anesthetic gel based on benzocaine. This miracle product is in no way a treatment against premature ejaculation, but has the advantage of making you enjoy longer with your partner.

When you put on the benzocaine condom , the gel is applied to your penis and anesthesia. The sensations are however less important than if you use a spray but it is an effective solution to delay the ejaculation .

Creams and lubricants retarders

Creams and lubricants are alternatives to products already seen. They are also based on anesthetic compounds that help delay ejaculation .

This solution is ideal for couples who may suffer from intimate dryness since these products can act as retarding lubricants. They also allow to emancipate traditional hoods.

However, it must be spread on the penis and the assimilation time of the anesthetic is more important than for a spray. In addition, the risk of causing it to flow absolutely everywhere makes this product less convenient to use.

Compression rings

The compression rings are very different in that they do not contain anesthetic products.

These are small rings to place on the base of the penis and which will compress it. This will have the effect of limiting the blood flow with eventually natural numbness of the penis. This natural anesthesia helps to delay ejaculation and works the same way as this strange sensation that can be felt when you wake up when the blood circulation of our limbs has been cut off throughout the night.

The other benefit is that the ring will concentrate the blood within the penis, which will result in a powerful erection that will not let go throughout the report.

Nevertheless, you must be well versed in this method because the prolonged stop of the blood flow can have serious consequences on your state of health. We advise you to loosen the ring from time to time during the report to irrigate the penis and avoid risks.

Some practical exercises to delay ejaculation

Instead of using a treatment for premature ejaculation , you can totally apply yourself to perform some useful exercises.

First, try to focus when you feel that the point of no return is near. Think about it, think of an unpleasant image, anything that can bring down the excitement.

A little bodybuilding will not hurt you. We do not talk about lifting dumbbells with your machine, but to inflate the muscles of your pelvic floor that can control ejaculation. When you go to urinate, hold back for a few seconds then release. Repeat this exercise as often as possible and as many times as necessary.

Finally, do not hesitate to consult a specialist who will provide you with valuable tips to help you overcome this problem. Do not worry, you are not the only one to suffer and your doctor will help you delay ejaculation .


Wilfried BORG - CPO (Chief Préservatif Officer)

Co-fondateur de Condomz et créateur de la marque Condomz en 2003, j'achète et je vends des préservatifs et des lubrifiants partout dans le monde.
Incollable sur la norme NF et le procédé de fabrication de la capote, j'ai parcouru la planète pour dénicher les meilleurs usines et les meilleurs modèles.
Fier d'avoir aider à protéger des millions d'Européens et d'Européennes depuis plus de 20 ans

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