In 5 minutes, personalize your condom: choose the background color of the condom, download the image to print on the foil, select the quantity to be produced, then click on the --Add to cart-- button. In less than 15 days you will receive your personalized condoms at home.
Download your image
Receive it at your home on Wednesday, 12 February 2025.
For optimum quality, the uploaded image should be 590 pixels wide and 590 pixels high at a minimum. It can be in GIF, JPEG or PNG. The maximum allowable size of the file is 1MB. The transparencies are taken into account. The white areas of your image will automatically be transparent with our software.
Avant de faire imprimer une image, assurez-vous d’en avoir le droit. Si vous êtes le créateur de l’image pas de problème, sinon renseignez-vous sur le copyright auprès de son auteur.
Si vous utilisez une photo de personne, vous devez obtenir son autorisation.
L’utilisation illégale d’une image protégée par un copyright est sujette à de lourdes pénalités.
Custom Condoms will be delivered at home or under Item Removing 5-6 days. If your order contains other preservatives or gels, we will go all together in a single package.
All custom condoms are condoms with CE, latex, lubricated with reservoir: their length is 185mm and width of 52mm, a standard size.