The 7 unusual you do not know about the condom

The 7 unusual you do not know about the condom

1. The first condom was drawn on a rock painting

In the book "Johnny Come Lately: A Short History of the Condom", the author Jeanette Parisot reveals the presence of a man wearing a condom on the walls of the cave Lascaux and dating back at least 15,000 years. Even if the condom is used during sex, it does not tell us why it is used: the man may have used it as a ritual, as a contraceptive or as a protection against venereal diseases.

These 3 explanations are plausible: the men of the time had probably already understood the relationship between the sexual act and pregnancy, or even the urinary tract infections that can occur a few days after a report. For the moment the mystery remains whole!

2. The homemade condom recipe

It took a long time before the condom became a common item that can be bought anywhere and even on the Internet. Before, it had to be made even by hand.

A text of 1824, one of the first on the subject, gives the recipe for the manufacture of a condom, in no less than 12 long stages, from an intestine of intestina caeca. Given the time it took to make it, no wonder these first condoms were reused several times! Extract (not to reproduce at home obviously, that can be dangerous):

"For starters, take a small sheep intestine.

Soak it in clear water for several hours. Turn it over and put it in a solution of caustic soda. Change the solution every 12 hours (1 or 2 times).

Then take the bowel out of the solution and scrape it thoroughly with a knife to remove any impurities on the surface and remove the intestinal mucus.

Pass the cleaned gut under sulfur steam for a few minutes and then wash it well with soap and water.

Unroll it, dry it and then cut it to a length of 18 to 20 cm. Finish by sewing a ribbon of silk on the edge of the open part.

That’s it, your condom is ready. Before using it, immerse it in water to soften it. "

3. The first condoms were only available on prescription

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, condoms were only available on prescription: doctors prescribed them for husbands to protect themselves from diseases transmitted by prostitutes. But they did not prescribe them to women who could use them as contraception. You said machismo?

4. The oldest condom found dates from 1642

Discovered during the excavations of Dudley Castle in England, fragments of condom in pig’s intestine or sheep dated 1642 to 1647. 5 fragments were discovered, which assembled form a condom. Later, 5 other condoms were discovered, wrapped in each other. They certainly served to guard against venereal diseases, very common at the time.

5. US WW1 soldiers were deprived of condoms

During World War I, condoms were not distributed to US soldiers. The American Association of Social Hygiene thought that if the soldiers were not virtuous enough to stay sober, then they deserved the diseases they caught as a punishment. And most of them came back to the country with an STD, which they then passed on to others ... Did you say social hygiene?

6. Distributors of condoms have been around since 1928

More than 80 years ago, the first distributor was commissioned by Fromm’s brand in Germany. The distributor, called Fromms Act was also known to have a copy of Mickey as a logo. Selling condoms in distributors quickly posed moral problems, especially in the United States, where some considered it an incitement to sex, especially in high schools. This is still a debate today especially in terms of putting condom distributors in colleges in France.

7. Invisible condoms will be the next revolution

For all those over the centuries who have been forced to donate condoms in leather, silk, intestines or latex, the invisible condom will be a dream. But for future generations, a gel that solidifies with heat (during penetration for example) could be a sacred revolution!

The University of Laval, Quebec, in partnership with the Canadian Institute for Medical Research has conducted clinical trials on a gel that can protect the mucous membranes during intercourse. At the moment no marketing authorization has been given ...


Wilfried BORG - CPO (Chief Préservatif Officer)

Co-fondateur de Condomz et créateur de la marque Condomz en 2003, j'achète et je vends des préservatifs et des lubrifiants partout dans le monde.
Incollable sur la norme NF et le procédé de fabrication de la capote, j'ai parcouru la planète pour dénicher les meilleurs usines et les meilleurs modèles.
Fier d'avoir aider à protéger des millions d'Européens et d'Européennes depuis plus de 20 ans

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