Comment enfiler un préservatif ?

Comment enfiler un préservatif ?

This is the first time you will put on a condom? No worries, everything will be fine! We just hope you’re not in the moment even in the heat of the action (hello to your partner who looks at your screen behind you!): Our advice is still to train all alone (e) at home before going to the practical work.

Before setting up the condom

Some important steps before donning your condom, to make sure it will properly protect you and your partner:

  • 1. A condom conforming to the European standard EN 600 and CE marked, you will use. For a guarantee of additional quality, you will prefer a condom also compliant with the NF Mark (French standard).
  • 2. Your coats in their original packaging, always, you will keep.
  • 3. In a cool and dry place, away from the direct sunlight, you will store your hoods.
  • 4. The instructions on the instructions for use (opening, installation, removal) of the condom, carefully, you will read.
  • 5. Never a condom whose expiration date is exceeded, you will not use.
  • 6. A set up with broken nails or rings you will avoid so as not to deteriorate the latex.
  • 7. Never have two condoms on top of one another: the friction of the two reduces the resistance of the latex and increases the risk of breakage.
  • 8. If during the pose, the condom does not take place correctly or is turned upside down, you will change it.
  • 9. In order to be sure of the compatibility of condoms with prescribed or over-the-counter remedies, intended to be applied on the penis or inside the vagina, your doctor or pharmacist will consult you: as they may damage the condom .
  • 10. Always a gel or a water-based or silicone-based lubricant you will use: other products including petrolatum, fats or antiseptics are not compatible with condom latex.

Put in place the condom on the penis

The male condom should be put in place when the penis is erect, before any contact between the penis and the body of your partner.

  • 1. Gently open the individual packaging to avoid damaging the male condom. Always check that the part to unwind is outside.
  • 2. Squeeze the end of the reservoir to expel the air (excess air trapped in the condom can cause tearing).
  • 3. Place the male condom on the erect penis before penetration and unroll it while holding the reservoir. Tighten the tip of the male condom between thumb and forefinger to flush the air. While still tightening the end of the condom, use the other hand to unroll it along the penis.
  • 4. Remove immediately after ejaculation by holding the male condom at the base of the penis. Wait until you have completely withdrawn before removing the condom. Avoid contact of the penis and condom with the partner’s body.
  • 5. Dispose of the used hood in a garbage can (not in the toilets), after having tied it up and wrapped in paper. Only use a male condom once, even on successive reports.


Wilfried BORG - CPO (Chief Préservatif Officer)

Co-fondateur de Condomz et créateur de la marque Condomz en 2003, j'achète et je vends des préservatifs et des lubrifiants partout dans le monde.
Incollable sur la norme NF et le procédé de fabrication de la capote, j'ai parcouru la planète pour dénicher les meilleurs usines et les meilleurs modèles.
Fier d'avoir aider à protéger des millions d'Européens et d'Européennes depuis plus de 20 ans

Une question sur le préservatif ou le lubrifiant :

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